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Panacea Biotec Hiring for Multiple Position

Panacea Biotec is a Biotechnology company in India. The company involves in Research and Development, Manufacturing, Sales, Distribution, and Marketing of Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines, and Biosimilars products. Panacea Biotec Hiring for Multiple Position.

The company has ultra-modern, state-of-art production facilities at Baddi (Himachal Pradesh), Lalru (Punjab) & Delhi. Delhi Unit is involved in manufacturing tablets, capsules (including soft gelatin), ointments, liquids, herbal formulations, and vaccines. The facilities are WHO cGMP compliant among other regulatory bodies such as USFDA, UKMHRA, Saudi FDA, ANVISA, etc.

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Panacea is the first company to have developed a fully liquid Pentavalent vaccine (DTwP+Hep B+Hib) Easy Five in 2005. It is the 3rd largest biotech company, as well as among the top 50 pharmaceutical companies of India.

Panacea Biotec Hiring for Multiple Position (Production, QA, QC, Microbiology, Packing)

Find here the list of products which manufactured by Panacea Biotech

Panacea Biotec continues to strive and adopt the best practices involving independence, disclosure, uncompromising application of internal control procedures, and complete corporate transparency. It serves the interest of all the stakeholders including but not limited to shareholders, employees, consumers, lenders, and the community at large.

  • Focus on Organ Transplantation (Kidney, Liver, Heart) & Nephrology, Oncology, Diabetes, Orthopedics, Gastroenterology among others through six strategic business units
  • 4 brands ranked 1st in their therapeutic segments
  • Exports to 20+ countries including US, Germany, Russian Federation, and Emerging market

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