Pharma Awareness is a worldwide open access, online article publishing website. Pharma Awareness is committed to bringing out the highest excellence by publishing unique, novel research articles of upcoming authors. It belongs to an intellectual group of Researchers, Scholars, Industry Experts, Academicians, and Scientists.
Multidisciplinary researches and articles of Science, Medical Science, Technology, Engineering, Management, Life Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Veterinary, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Chemistry and many more are published here. We also accept conference proceedings, thesis, projects, and dissertations of the entire defined fields.
Features of Articles: All the submitted articles should be the author(s) original work; it should be experimental data or theoretical application. Article submitted to the Research Publish Journals Should meet journal rigorous peer review standards for considering it for publication. All authors are advised not to submit Plagiarism material.
Types of Articles: Some of the major types of the article published by Pharma Awareness are given below:
a) Original Research: These articles should be clear and preciously describe the original research work. It should be accurate and complete itself so that others can easily verify the work with the methodology used and experiments were done for obtaining new findings.
b) Short Note: Short note usually describes new ideas and innovation, it is not completely full-length paper or completes one transaction with some new findings. Usually, the short note shows the change in scenario due to some technological advancement in a particular area.
c) Review/Survey Articles: Review articles shows a literature survey of a particular area/problem in an organized and precise manner while Survey paper gives the common comprehensive outcome from many research work analysis.d) Project Summary Report: Graduate and PG student is doing summer training/industrial training during their education. We are also welcome to publish for the same.
d) Project Summary Report: Graduate and PG students are doing summer training/industrial training during their course tenure. We welcome to publish for the same. This is the best platform to bring their efforts into public knowledge.
Review Process
All kinds of publishing Articles/Papers are reviewed by our expert team members and decisions are made after an effective and quick review.
Submission Procedure of Articles/Papers
Authors are requested to submit only their own and original research paper. Please submit your paper at [email protected] along with the title page, corresponding author contact number. (Preferably as one single document in Microsoft Word). or Directly write in Pharma Awareness Guest Post Page.
Important Notice –
All the authors are requested to kindly check the originality of their articles before submitting it to Pharma Awareness. In case any article is found to be Duplicate submission or submitted to other journals when the article is in process with Pharma Awareness, fabricated data, cut and paste (Plagiarised), at any stage of processing of article, Pharma Awareness team is bound to take following actions:
- Rejection of the article.
- The author will be blacklisted for future communication with Pharma Awareness if there is a submission of duplicate articles.
Sharing and Promoting your Article
Now that your article is published, you can promote it to make a bigger impact with your research. Sharing research, accomplishments, and ambitions with a wider audience makes you more visible in your field. This helps you get cited more, enabling you to cultivate a stronger reputation, promote your research and move forward in your career.
Publication Fees
Pharma Awareness have prime aim is to promote and disseminate new scientific research work to each and every corner of the world. Presently, we do not get any fees from any government/ private institution/author across the globe. Our vision is to provide free publication of paper/Articles to each and every nation for improvement in education quality, and therefore it causes improvement in the lifestyle of people.
Note: Remember we are publishing your articles in our Pharma Awareness site only, not in any other journal.